
S Gesundheitsökonomik (GÖP, Teil I; FW, Teil II)


In this course, the macroeconomically and sociopolitically important health sector is examined from an economic perspective and its analysis is introduced. In the first three sessions, basic interrelationships are presented in an introductory lecture section. The aim is to familiarize the students with the special features of the markets for health care services and health insurance as well as the behavior of the most important actors (patients/insured, service providers, insurers) and to examine which economic consequences result from these special features. On this basis, reform options for the German health care system will also be discussed.
The second part of the seminar is devoted to different current topics, for each of which current health economic literature is presented and discussed by students in the course. Topics will be assigned in the first session.

Requirements for course certificates / module examinations
Course credits can be acquired through regular, active participation, usually through a presentation/session design. For the module examination, a term paper must also be written. Oral examination only as module final examination on both seminars of the module.

Date: Mo, 02:00pm - 04:00pm, GD 2/236

This course is in the course catalog

S Gesundheit digital: Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) (G&G, Teil II; FW, Teil I)


For more than two years, Digital Health Applications (DiGA) - also known as "App on Prescription" - can be prescribed by health care providers and used by patients. So far, more than 30 DiGAs are available across different indication areas; in order to be permanently listed in the DiGA directory, manufacturers must, among other things, prove medical benefit and/or so-called patient-relevant procedural and structural improvements. To prove these, evaluation studies are necessary.
The aim of the seminar is to look at the evaluation designs of the DiGAs listed so far. For this purpose, students will be assigned one DiGA each and these will be presented. Furthermore, the admission process will be simulated in a case study. For this purpose, students will be divided into teams and have to conceive an evaluation design for a fictitious DiGA.
The course is divided into two parts: First, general information on DiGAs will be provided (including the legal basis, fast track, dissemination and use by patients and providers, etc.). This will be followed by a more in-depth look at individual DiGAs and the case study.

Requirements for course certificates / module examinations
Proof of study: regular and active participation, reading of the basic texts, presentation incl. handout and discussion input. Module examination: as proof of study plus term paper or oral examination.

Date: Mo, 12:00pm - 02:00pm, GD 1/236

This course is in the course catalog

S Gesundheit und Arbeit - Mental Health am Arbeitsplatze (G&G, Teil I; FW, Teil I)


Already at the time of industrialization, the existential risks to the lives of employees, which arose from the increasingly widespread wage-dependent gainful employment, were a concern for society, politics and science. Despite the changes of the last 100 years, debates about occupational health and safety are still taking place today. Whereas during industrialization the focus was still on purely physical damage or even deaths, for example due to toxic substances or inadequate occupational safety, current debates are increasingly focusing on mental health. Against the backdrop of the increasing number of mental illnesses, this is of great importance, especially for professionals and companies. According to the Kaufmännische Krankenkasse (2021), the national average of employees on sick leave due to depression, anxiety disorders and burnout increased by 3 days to 42.5 days from 2019 to 2021.
In the seminar, different theoretical concepts and models of mental health in the workplace will be presented and critically discussed. Here, Mental Health is considered in different professional contexts. In addition to the theoretical and content-related topics, the participants will also conduct their own analyses in STATA on this topic. In the seminar, knowledge of STATA will be refreshed or imparted in three units; basic knowledge is desirable but not mandatory.
The aim of the seminar is to look at, analyze and critically classify Mental Health in the workplace from a theoretical, content-related and methodological perspective.

Requirements for course certificates / module examinations
Proof of study: regular and active participation, reading of basic texts, presentation incl. handout and discussion input.
Module examination: as proof of study plus term paper or final oral module examination.
Completion of BA studies. Willingness to actively participate and to give a presentation, registration via CampusOffice from 01.09.2023.

Date: Tue, 02:00pm-04:00pm, GD 2/208 CIP-Pool.

This course is in the course catalog