Rebecca Klocke, M.A.

Scientific Associate

Room: GD E1/623
Phone: 0234 32 25443

Consultation hours by appointment.

Research Interests

Qualitative social research and mixed methods approaches, health and health care, including digital health care, digital innovation and antidiscrimination work, participatory research and collaboration, networking, and community management.

Rebecca Klocke has been working in the project Digital Health Ökosystem NRW -Fokus Startups 2025 since June 2023. Among other things, she works there as a community and network manager and is creating an ecosystem that connects founders from the digital health sector in NRW with people and organizations from their target group.

Professional Career

2023 -

Ruhr-University Bochum, Junior Professorship for Healthcare and E-Health
Research Associate, Project Digital Health Ecosystem NRW - Focus Start-ups 2025

2019 -

Dortmund University of Applied Sciences, Chair of Social Medicine and Public Health with a Focus on Gender and Diversity
Research Associate, Project InTraHealth


Academic Qualifications


Ruhr-University Bochum
Master of Arts Social Sciences


Ruhr-University Bochum
Bachelor of Arts Social Sciences

  • Netzwerk Frauen und Geschlechterforschung NRW